Couture Academy for ADHD

                                            A condensed version of the 6 week program has been created for people who don't have a lot of extra time or money to invest.                                                                                    You can now register for a 3 week program.   If you feel like you need more support after 3 weeks, then you may choose to book some        maintenance sessions at your discretion.   Invest in 3 weeks, and gain more than you bargained for.  

The Couture Academy for ADHD  is an innovative and structured program based on brain training and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy principles.  I can help you get started on tasks, persist with grit, and get things done. Whether it’s finishing chores, tackling school assignments, completing work projects, or achieving big dreams, Couture Academy for the ADHD Brain can help. 

Research studies show that coaching is an effective therapy in ADHD for building confidence and supporting follow-through on work and goals. With ADHD, it’s hard to stay focused on tasks and get work done, especially if tasks are demanding and not too exciting. It’s also difficult figuring out the steps needed to work through tasks, and to estimate how long those steps are going to take.  The Couture Academy is effective in ADHD because I help clients tackle goals systematically by identifying concrete steps, estimating objectively how long steps are going to take, brainstorming strategies, and checking in regularly to see what worked and what didn’t.  I can help individuals with ADHD move forward, bringing them closer to goals and dreams.

Along with identifying 2 to 3 meaningful goals that you would like to tackle, we identify triggers that derail you from your intensions.  We put into place steps and plans so that you can overcome distractions,  face obstacles with confidence so that you can feel the magic of making progress. 

The Couture Academy for ADHD is offered in 6 session blocks.  Each block builds on the previous one, starting with a check-in to review the progress of previous sessions.  This is a practice based on repetition.   The 6 session block provides a well-defined time-line for you to pick specific goals and complete that under my guidance and direction.  You will be learning tips & tricks as well as daily routines and putting them into practice, until these practices become a habit.  All of this will lead you to daily living with peace of mind, greater self-confidence and self-worth. 

    The positive traits of ADHD are many.  People with ADHD have astounding problem solving skills.  Individuals with ADHD are creative, energetic and spontaneous.   When ADHD brains learn how to calm the brain, and organize life from the inside out,  the ability to showcase all of the amazing qualities and SUPER POWERS begin.  The sky is not the limit, your mind is.  Come organize your mind with me.  

                                                                                                                             $165 + hst per session ( 60 min) 


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