Anne Marie                    

“An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.”

~Arnold Glasow

I listen.  I listen to your words.  

I look and listen to your body language and your facial expression.   

Together we make a plan.  The plan is created for results.  

The results will bring you peace of mind, confidence and self-worth. 

                                                                                                                              ~ Anne-Marie


To the clients who have booked with me, it was a privilege working with you.  Knowing that you are in a better headspace, where peace of mind and small victories spark joy and feed your self-worth, makes me absolutely delighted.                                                                                                                             Keep being you, you are exactly who you need to be. 

To the people perusing my website, I know how scary change can be.  Change is inevitable, sometimes it is out of our control, and sometimes we can choose change. Choosing change doesn't make it less scary. Staying in a life situation that is making you emotionally, mentally or physically unwell is the scariest of all.  With the right mindset, thought pattern and the right plan, YOU can make anything happen. I'd like to help. 



From 2000 to 2021 I was the proud owner & operator of Jungle Gym Gymnastics & Trampoline in Sudbury Ontario.  Creating, launching, and growing a business from the ground up was no small feat, but worth every second of it knowing I was able to sell it for a tidy profit.  Enough to allow myself the gift of retirement at an age where I can enjoy the privilege of being home with my 2 young boys.  How did I do it you ask?  Well first, let me tell you about ALL the reasons why this could not have happened.  I grew up in a household where finances were limited, I had learning difficulties and poor grades, and my basic life skills like being on time, staying organized and focused were anxiety inducing for me to say the least.

My fascination with behaviour took over, and I had to learn how to dig in, to see what makes a person tic.  Coaching gymnastics was a perfect fit!   When athletes presented with a fear of heights, I would relish the coaching of the mind.  After proper brain training and internal dialogue reframing, the proper physical conditioning preparation and of course, the visualization exercises, these athletes would dominate at competitions around the province, because I made sure they felt like champions on and off the competitive floor.


Now, I’m a doer and a helper.  That is what lives deep in my soul. When you come to me with the good the bad or the ugly, I listen to you. I listen, and I watch your body language, I feel what you feel. I ask you questions and together we work on a plan. The plan is set to create a change. The change is set to create results. The results are set to deliver peace of mind, self-confidence, self-worth, and happiness in its truest and simplest form.  So my question to you is, what can I help you with? 

              Social Service Worker Diploma 

               Counselling Skills Diploma         

              Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST)

              Situational Awareness Training

               Crisis Intervention Training

               Neuro Linguistic Programming 

              Time Line Therapy ~ Hypnotherapy 




Office Hours


9:00 am-12:00 pm

5:00 pm-8:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

5:00 pm-8:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

12:00 pm-7:00 pm


9:00 am-10:00 am

10:00 am-11:00 am







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